
The Name Of Jesus Christ - Poem

The Name of Jesus Christ

Sebola Masilo Leave
English Poem

The Name of Jesus Christ,
Mend the cracked heart and Restore the Revolting,
The Captive are set free and the lifeless get to their feet,
The Underprivileged access what an ironic man can’t pay for,
The Name Is above every term on the multiverse.

On the Ocean the name is our titanic craft to sail,
Falling on the Higher mountain the name is our wings to fly,
The Name it is the army to the incapable,
The Fire that terminate the plans of the competitor,
The Name of Jesus Christ.

Higher than the detachment from eternity to the atmosphere,
Deeper than the Distance of Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Ocean combined,
The Name is our key to eternal life, it is our salvation,
No figure of speech can adapt the Name.
The creator of Heaven and Earth, the creator of humankind,
The Name of Jesus Christ.